Brief Name: Gurevsky Metallurgical Plant
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN): 4204000253
All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO): 00186223
Primary State Registration Number (OGRN): 1024200661264
Location: 652780, Kemerovo region, city of Gurevsk, Gagarina Street, building 1
Mailing Address: 652780, Kemerovo region, city of Gurevsk, Gagarina Street, building 1
Date of Registration: May 12, 1996
Registering Authority: Administration of the city of Gurevsk
CEO: Vladimir Nikolaevich Dvoryanchikov (General Director)
— December 24, 2012 — Notification of a material fact
"Change of the Internet page address used by the issuer to disclose information"
— Since December 21, 2012 all materials for disclosure of information about our company can be found on the website